it's getting serious now...

>> 3.21.2009

oooh, two blog posts in a row.
I must be getting dedicated or something.

It is such a beautiful day outside, and I have a list of chores and homework that needs accomplishing...however, I may just put a hold to those things (because I am so good at doing that) and lay out on the roof of my apartment building.
I think my body needs some natural vitamin D more than anything else lately.
Besides, it's not my fault all the washing machines were taken, right?

These are the days where God reminds me how important it is to sit and soak up a moment at a time.
Instead of straining my eyes to see where I am going to be in a week, a month, a year--I've got to stop and simply be where I am. God knows what I need, when I need it, and if I let Him handle the details, He'll handle them.
I am coming to major crossroads in life, and I really think that God is trying to teach me to slow down and take it a day at a time. Instead of trying to make my decisions now, why don't I just make them when I get there?

I'm sure that all of this is not new to the few of you, but I think I simply needed to lay it out there so that I have it in solid form.
Also, I just wanted to procrastinate on everything else for awhile. : )

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