the background [pt. 4]
>> 8.27.2012
weekends in London
>> 8.25.2012
I'm sorry for the lack of posts around here.
Jameson got sick a couple of weeks ago, and I feel like I've just been running around trying to get everything put back in order.
Plus, we've got some pretty big stuff that we're starting on (more news later), so I've had to make numerous different "to-do" lists in order to try and keep things organized.
And then there's the background, and how I just want to be finished with it, but I also want to tell it well and not rush through anything. It's pretty emotionally draining to re-live, but I know that it's working good things out as well, so I'll keep pressing on.
Anyway, here's a nice post full of pictures for you guys.
We've spent the past couple of weekends hanging out in London and it was so much fun to be around the Olympic atmosphere and see the world invade the city.
Seeing our friends and family was pretty great too.
*if you click on the pictures, you'll actually see them in the right perspective. Blogger cuts off the edges. Boo.*
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mom-wear-wednesday [6]
>> 8.22.2012
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top: h&m// leggings: pink by Victoria's Secret// baby carrier: beco gemini |
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on a recent visit to London with one of our favorite friends from Moody, who happens to be traveling around the world and came to see us! |
the background [pt. 3]
>> 8.19.2012
It hurt more than I thought it would, the first time.
I was too scared to use anything as "dangerous" as a knife or a razor blade, so I went for what I had available--a safety pin. I scratched deeper and deeper, and felt the sting, and saw the blood, and went a little bit numb. It was a relief.
The music was pounding in my ears, and part of me knew that I was in it for good. If I didn't have "problems" before all of this happened, I certainly did now. I remember, after it was over and the cut was there, the panic and despair sinking in a little deeper.
How was I going to explain this?
How did I ask for help without saying a word?
The worst part is when no one noticed. I guess it shows just how good I was at keeping the mask in place--no one would entertain the notion that I could do something so "disturbed". It was such a surreal feeling, walking around with the cut on my wrist, waiting for someone to say something, to point it out, to ask. It was like holding my breath, and waiting for someone to tell me I could breathe again.
The relief was only temporary, as it usually is.
The darkness kept getting thicker, and life kept getting harder to get up and live, and the mask was starting to crack. I think I wanted it to crack. I wanted someone to look at me and say, "You're not okay." and "Let me help you, because I know this is real, and I know it hurts, and we can fix this."
That's what I wanted most of all. To be fixed.
I went to school, I went to work, I went to church.
currents. [August]
>> 8.17.2012
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evidence of how much I miss Mr. Potter. |
Reading: Since it's that time of year, I've started the Harry Potter books again. I just love them way too much to not read them more than once, and really, I miss Hogwarts. Each time around I notice something new, and I am continually in awe of J.K. Rowling's writing and how well she communicates with her audience.
I've also just started "The Scorpio Races" by Maggie Stiefvater. I'm not sure how I feel about it yet, but it's gotten a lot of good reviews, so here's hoping. I finished a trilogy that she wrote not too long ago, and although I wasn't blown away, there was promise there, so...I'll keep you posted.
Watching: My usual brain candy, although Hubs got the documentary channels for me, so I've been watching some educational tv. Ha. We're working our way through season 3 of 'Modern Family', and I've decided it's got to be one of my favorite shows ever. The writing is simply brilliant, and the characters are hilarious. Seriously. I watch it any time I'm in a bad mood, and it always makes me smile.
Listening: I recently discovered Ben Howard, and have been obsessed ever since. I love, love, love his album and his voice.
Also, Taylor Swift's new song has been stuck in my head, much to Hubs despair. I'll admit, it's not her best work, but it's catchy and I love her anyway.
And, of course, there's always "Row, Row, Row, Your Boat" and "Wind the Bobbin".
Eating: Oh, gluten. The bane of my existence. I'm sure I've talked about it a little bit before, but I've really got to get back on the gluten-free bandwagon. My problem is just how expensive it is to buy "freefrom" groceries, and the time that goes into figuring out GF meals to make. Not to mention that all of my favorite foods happen to be made out of bread and flour, and I have little to no willpower when it comes to pancakes. But really. I've got to stop. I've got headaches every day, stomach pain, and major anxiety/depression issues that need to calm themselves and I am 99% sure that the cause of it all is the dreaded gluten. Dang it.
Thinking: About home and how much I life in America. Also about how I am kind of excited for fall, but I won't let myself look forward to it, because I feel like I got gypped out of a summer here.
About politics and how my views have changed in immense ways ever since I moved out of the country and started living life outside of the States.
And about how wonderful it was to see familiar faces over the last few weeks, how it reminded me of the life I used to live, and the person I used to be, and the possibility that she's still in there somewhere.
It's hope, and I miss that.
the background [pt.2]
>> 8.15.2012
If you haven't read it yet, you can find part one here.
Before I really get into all of this, I feel like I should give a disclaimer.
I don't know how to do this eloquently, and I am afraid that I'm going to stumble over my words, or convey the wrong emotion and message and present myself in a very bad light.
But at the same time, I also know that I need to just get it out there and over with, and let you be the judge so that I don't have to anymore.
So I am just asking for grace for the telling--this is a rough jumble of words, and I'm just trying to get it as right as I can.
People like me don't get *shhhh* depressed.
mom-wear-wednesday [5]
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top: H&M// jeans: charlotte russe// shoes: fitflop// earrings: RissyRoos |
Oh dear. Mom-wear-wednesday almost slipped by me today, you guys.
the background [pt. 1]
>> 8.13.2012
I have long wondered/struggled with just how honest to be on this tiny little space.
--just how much should I tell people about the dirty laundry I've got stashed away in my brain?
I'm sure this is something that other bloggers worry about and deal with as well. It seems that everyone comes to a slightly different conclusion, and I completely understand.
--if you can't be comfortable sharing something with (potentially) the whole world, then it's probably better to keep quiet and stay safe.
For me, blogging started way back when I was fifteen, when it was something that no one had really heard of, and when you mentioned it to your parents generation, they said, "What? Is that even a word?"
It was a space that I could carve out for myself, somewhere to assert who I was and who I was becoming--to type words and immediately see them in print, to roll them around in my mouth and taste them on my tongue and decide whether or not I really wanted to spit them out, or if it was better to keep them inside for a while longer.
After that it grew and molded itself into something a little different, a little more social, and a little more honest. It became a place to write, and to practice writing, but to also connect with people in a way that conversations and glances sometimes didn't allow for. I could be honest here in a way that I could never be honest with someone I'd just met, and I liked that.
Eventually "blogging" grew to become this huge thing that everyone did, and I kind of held back in my own little corner for awhile. I didn't want the competition to change me, or to change my writing, or to change my motivation to keep writing. I've always struggled with keeping up and fitting in, and the last thing I wanted to do was take my corner of honesty and have it turn into a race to be "the best".
And so now I sit in this tension between staying honest and open, but also molding this into a business and (possibly) making some profit from it. And with all of that comes the realization that there are a lot of gaps in the story and a lot of holes in the honesty cloth I've been weaving, simply because it's just been me for so long. I didn't have to explain, because I was the only one here, and I already knew the backstory.
But now, there are you guys (we've jumped from 12 to 43 and I am SO EXCITED) and I'm sure that a lot of you are wondering what I'm talking about half the time.
So. I'm going to fill some gaps in.
I'm not going to give you the entire life story, but I'm going to talk about the important parts, the hard parts, the parts that people don't like talking about.
I'm doing this for a variety of reasons, but mostly because of the responses I get when I am gut-wrenchingly honest-- the "I completely know what you're talking about" and the "I'm so glad someone else can relate" responses. These are what make me keep writing, and these are the ones that I am writing for.
Because everyone just wants to not be alone--to be weird and different with someone else weird and different right by their side.
--pt. 2
--pt. 3
--pt. 4
--pt. 5
sloooow down.
Friday's post got a lot of responses from people, and I am kind of surprised, but also blessed.
It also made me realize that eventually I should probably tell my story a little bit more, so people don't think I'm just a raving lunatic that puts everything out there for the internet to judge.
Hopefully I can get to that later this week, as long as Jameson is feeling better. I'm coming into this week majorly behind, since he came down with a throat infection on Saturday morning, and has been pretty sad ever since.
Thankfully, he's on antibiotics now (which I am not the biggest fan of, but in this case, they are like manna from heaven) and seems to be perking up a little. So, hopefully I can catch up on life sometime soon.
As always, here are pictures to compensate. :)
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swimming for England. |
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such a boy. |
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he tries to eat the water that splashes him. |
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"cake, mom. cake." |
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"really? you're going to take a picture now, dad?" |
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"enough. I have business to attend to." |
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the ogre walk of champions. |
the have and have nots.
>> 8.10.2012
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just a moment. |
For the last few weeks, I kind of feel like I've focused on the ligher, more surface-y side of life.
The weekend chronicles, the ridiculous mom-wear that I sport, the random thoughts I have during massages...
But there's always something there, just simmering under the surface and I don't know what to do with it.
Jameson is nearly 13 1/2 months old. I should be far beyond the "adjustment" period of life with a child. My body has officially replenished itself of all the nutrients and things that Jameson took while he was growing. I've lost all the baby weight and a little bit extra. I should be back to normal.
So why am I not?
Why do I still wake up in a fog, and still feel so exhausted at the thought of all the things to come?
Why is living such a difficulty, and why am I swallowed up in guilt about things so small that they shouldn't really matter?
Why does this darkness come in waves, and snatch away the good moments that I do have?
Why can't I just put a name and a face to this monster, so that I know how to fight it?
Part of me knows that some of this stems from where we live and the situation that we're in.
After so much defeat in England, I feel like I've kind of emotionally died inside a little, almost as a form of self-preservation. I've put up a lot of walls to dull the emotion so that I don't have to deal with the pain of failure and difficulty that we're experiencing.
I don't see the wonder in the rain anymore, or glory in a field full of flowers.
I don't find meaning in the wind, or dream about the passions that I used to have.
I don't do things just to do them anymore, because that takes energy that I don't possess.
And that makes me sad, because I know that I'm somewhat of a shell of who I used to be.
It's like living life in black and white and gray instead of the vibrant colors I used to see.
And I just want to heal.
I just want to be happy, and to laugh without it taking effort, and to be vibrant and passionate and bursting with life.
So I will keep moving. Keep living.
Keep waking up in the morning and taking deep breaths.
Because what else can I do?
mom-wear-wednesday [4]
>> 8.07.2012
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Dress: Old Navy// Shoes: Primark// Headband: Rissy Roo's// Earrings: Gift from sister |
Wow. Four weeks in a row.
I'm going to be honest and say that I can't believe I've lasted that long. (Or that you guys have been that interested.)
But maybe what I should really be surprised at is that so many people are so interested in what I look like when I walk out of the house. Are you all sure you want to be getting fashion advice from me?
Eh, whatevs. It makes me feel a little bit better about my wardrobe. Ha.
Anyway...I threw this on because it was sunny outside and the phone said that it was 71 degrees. The dress is old (like, at least four years old) because I wore it on my honeymoon, but I like the color and I like the way it makes my shoulders look. (Is that too honest?)
Clearly you have all seen the sandals before, but can I just say that for the £3 I spent on them at Primark, they have been a dream? Honestly, I walked around London for nearly seven hours on Saturday, and my feet were fine. So weird, but so wonderful.
Let's talk about the hair pictures for a minute. Is this something you all even want to see? I kind of feel like I've got to keep coming up with new hairstyles to put on here, since I've given away the hair donut secret and I should really do something different at least for the one time a week I'm photographing myself, right? But also, that means there's kind of pressure on me to figure something new I need to go start a new board on Pinterest or something and actually attempt some of the hair tutorials on there. So, input needed. I am NOT a hairstylist and sometimes I'm all thumbs when it comes to taming this mane, but I like to try new things once in a while...I guess what I'm saying is, I'll be the hair guinea pig if that's what you all are looking for.
Also, note my cute little rosette headband. I finally got to jump on that bandwagon after I won a giveaway at Much Love, Illy and I am so excited about it. I got two headbands and two pairs of earrings from the lovely Larissa at Rissy Roo's and I am stoked. I love accessories, and I love free accessories, so this was everything I had ever dreamed of. Plus, I actually won a blog giveaway...which I am still kind of amazed about, because I didn't think that could actually happen.
So do you want to know the sad secret about this outfit?
After I took these pictures, I realized that I was going to be carrying Jameson around on my back for awhile, and that the baby carrier would not look great with this I changed into leggings and a tank top.
Dang. I know.
I should have taken pictures so you all could see the real "mom-wear-wednesday" that was happening (because it was definitely mom-wear, and it was definitely happening).
I promise I was not trying to "fashionista" you here, it just so happened that without Hubs around to tote my child, this dress was not mom-approved for my outing.
Next week I promise to actually take a picture on my way out the door (maybe with Jameson strapped to my back) so you can see EXACTLY what I am wearing. Sound good? Read more...
scribbles and dots.
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Out of focus, and beautiful. |
Today has been...just one of those days.
And by those days I mean it has been just another day in this life that I'm trying to figure out and live in the moment of.
I went to the gym, found out I lost a pound, came home and ate 1/4 of my breakfast that turned out to be off. I just chalked that up to less calories and more weight off, but then I was hungry, so Hubs and I had a baguette and cheese for lunch and it was delicious.
Then I took a nap and slept for an hour, but it felt like five and I could have slept all day. I've been so tired lately and I just cannot figure out why. All the paranoid pregnancy tests I've been taking have been coming back negative and I'm exercising and drinking lots of water so it is not making sense to me.
Maybe it's still just being a mom.
I'm cooking toads-in-the-hole and roast potatoes tonight and I feel like I've finally succumbed to the English diet. Oil, bland palates, and potatoes. I mean, it tastes good and it fills you up, but there's just a little bit of American in me that dies every time I mix up a batch of Bisto.
There are words to be written, and bathrooms to be cleaned, and things to be sorted, and to-do lists to cross off and I just can't bring myself to do any of it.
That seems to be another one of the recurring themes around here--my inability to "get it together" and actually get things done.
I wonder if I'll ever actually grow up and be the responsible adult that I'm supposed to be.
>> 8.06.2012
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"Oh hey mom. Get it together." |
That phrase sounds so oldy-person to me, but I'm feeling it today.
I think it's because this weekend was so full, and I'm feeling so weighted down with all of the things that I've got to finish this week--preferably sooner rather than later.
And being a mom is such a weird job, because your work is never done--I mean, how do you look at a day and say, "Yes, I successfully taught/disciplined/directed/respected/loved my child enough today. The quota was met, the job was well done."
You can't really, because there's never too much of any of that stuff.
Which is kind of hard for me, because I like gold stars, and checklists, and crossing things off.
I think that sometimes I just need to cut myself some slack, and get off my high-horse of importance.
--the world doesn't revolve around me, so it's not going to fall apart if I fall behind a little.
Which is nice, but also kind of a shot to your ego, if you think about it too much.
I'm tired. Hubs is tired.
There's a bottle of wine chilling in my fridge and fancy cheese that Hubs surprised me with yesterday, and brain candy waiting on the DVR.
I think it's time to call it a night.
dear [blank]
>> 8.03.2012
dear English weather: thank you for cooperating and allowing me and my family to spend some time outside the past two days. Having some Vitamin D production kick up in my body has been amazing.
dear Jameson: I just love you, bubba. Your four top teeth are solidly in and you got your first big bonk the other day. You were such a trooper though, crying for a minute and then chewing on the ice pack we tried to put on your head. You're my boy, and I am so proud to be your momma.
dear Olympics: It's nothing personal, but I'm just not into you this year. Maybe it has to do with Hubs recent obsession with every single sport you offer, or the fact that I missed the build-up around the American athletes, but I just haven't caught the spirit. Sigh. Maybe the trip to London tomorrow will help.
dear Hubs: Thanks for being you. You're my best friend, and I know I say it a lot, but it's true--you're the love of my life and I just wouldn't make it without you.
dear America: I miss you. As usual. Stop making stupid decisions while I'm gone, okay? Thanks.
dear Self: Get it together and get to the gym. And get your work done. And stimulate your child. And clean the house. And stop trying to be so put-together all the time.
mom-wear-wednesday [3]
>> 8.01.2012
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Look at me being all posey. |
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Dress, Leggings: H&M// Sandals: Atmosphere by Primark// Necklace: anniversary gift from Hubs (Warren James) |
And finally, the moment all you ladies, (and probably more ladies) have been waiting for, the highly anticipated hair donut!
My hair is still wet here because we'd just come back from family swim time, but you get the gist of it.
Even though it looks like my hair has been masterfully swept up all on it's own, it's not.
This little guy is hiding inside, holding up my hair and making it look beautiful.
I would do some fancy-pants video and show you how to do it yourself, but there are a million and one on YouTube, so I'll just leave you this and tell you to practice a lot, because it takes awhile to figure out how to get all your squirrely hairs in there.
If you really, really need me to (and you ask really nicely) maybe I'll make a video showing you how I do it. Maybe.
And that's the end of this "me-pretending-to-know-what-I'm-talking-about-when-it-comes-to-fashion" post.
The pretend fashionista inside will be back next week. Read more...